Where Your Treasure Is…

“Be aware of that place where you are brought to tears. That’s where your heart is and that’s where your treasure is.” -“The Alchemist”, Paulo Cohen


I cried today. I don’t cry a lot. But I cried today… just a little tear or two that squeaked out and dripped down over a biting lip and a scrunched up face. I didn’t want to cry, but my heart hurt. And when your heart hurts and there’s no band-aid that goes deep enough you just have to put down the big girl mask and let out a little tear.

It’s ok.

Because sometimes when you get your heart set on the $4.99 fish and chips meal at Captain D’s… so set that you can almost taste it… and then you open the bag only to find that they messed up your order and gave you shrimp instead. Well… It hurts. Continue reading