$1,000 Target Sweepstakes!

Target GiveawayMy sisinlaw sent me the greatest link this morning.

The chance to win a thousand dollars to spend at TARGET!  Yeah… I know.  I could put a Target gift card  (for a thousand bucks!) to pretty good use.  Heck, I could put a $5 gift card to good use!  But that’s beside the point.

To enter to the sweepstakes, go visit the lovely Liz Marie Blog: Furniture Re-do, Home Décor, DIY & Everything Lovely.  She shares some GREAT tips for saving money at Target (that I totally do all the time) and then she posts the sweepstakes.

So go share some blog love and find out all the ways you can enter to win!

PS. I’m receiving a sweepstakes entry for writing this post


Beauty from Ashes

She Spoke LifeHave I ever told you that I’m a dumpster diver?  Yup.  Gross.  I know.  But considering the fact that my brother and his friends used to spend entire days at the dump digging through old electronics and discovering buried trash treasures, an occasional re-purposed item from our apartment dumpster shouldn’t surprise you.  Runs in the family, I guess.

Anyways… not long ago I was throwing my trash away on a rainy morning when I spotted Continue reading

My Baby Plan

I’m almost embarrassed to type this.

You see, about three years ago at this time, I was a nervous wreck.  We were embarking on the greatest (most terrifying) adventure that two people can ever have.  We had no idea what we were doing.  And in just over a month we would be sent home with a life… and no instruction manual.

But that wasn’t even the worst of it.

The worst of it was, that life was growing inside of me… and before we could take it home, it somehow had to come out.  Continue reading


SnowIt falls.

In huge, heavy clumps, it falls from the sky.  Like feathers, tossed about on the wind.  Floating slowly, slowly down to just kiss the earth below.

And I’m mesmerized.

I breathe deep the cold air and follow one cotton ball down with my eyes- from the treetops through the branches past the brush until…

I want to gather it like manna and fill my soul with its peace. Continue reading

Living Large (while living small): Live Outside

Living Large“It’s what’s on the inside that counts… but outside is pretty awesome, too.”

When we moved into our mini-home we were uber-excited by the size of the bedrooms, the incredible amount of storage space (all things considered, this townhome has killer storage) and adorable back deck that overlooked the woods.

Our first housewarming gift was a set of deck chairs, perfect for having company, grilling out, or just enjoying a cup of coffee… outside.

We realized that when we opened up the blinds and looked out, we felt like we had an extra room.  Perfect for playing, exercising, entertaining, gardening.  We could see that we were not limited to our 1,008 square feet.  Rather, we were unlimited by the amount of space that God had provided by planting us at end of a quiet neighborhood surrounded by grass, trees, quiet roads, and an endless sky.

If we needed extra space, all we had to do was step outside.

Continue reading

The Reality of Raising a Toddler

Knoxville_Contributor_BTNPlease come visit me at the Knoxville Mom’s Blog today (even if you’re not from Knoxville).  I’m inviting you into our home to take a peek at some of my daily drama with the Pickle.  And I’m begging for some advice!

Because let’s face it… we’ve hit the terrible threes and this momma isn’t handling it well.  From tantrums to talking back, I’m learning a lot…

about myself.

It’s been a rough couple of months.  And she’s not even three yet.  What’s a Momma to do?! (click here or on the image to read all about it!)

Living Large (while living small): Purge Often

Living Large“There’s not enough room in here for the both of us… so one of us has to go!”

I confess, I’m not the best at this.  I love finding new toys for the Pickle, and bringing home an occasional treasure for my home.  But I am NOT so great at getting rid of things that we don’t use anymore.

Part of my reasoning is valid- I’d like to have another child someday, so I don’t want to get rid of all of her stuff just yet.  But aside from that, I’m just a memory hoarder.

This stuffed toy was given to her on her first birthday by her Aunt who lives in Atlanta.  I just CAN’T get rid of it!  This box of memories is all I have left from six years in Asia.  I just CAN’T get rid of it!  This food dehydrator would be great for stocking my pantry someday.  And while I haven’t used it in two years, it is nice to have on hand just in case.  I just CAN’T get rid of it!

You see where I’m going?

But every now and then I get motivated and I start to purge. Continue reading

Dear Men,

Don’t believe everything you read on your shampoo bottle.

Your Welcome,

Respectable Women Everywhere.

Imagine my shock when I got bored in the shower one day and was reading the back of my husband’s shampoo bottle.  Now, you’d think since I’d seen the commercials that is wouldn’t be a surprise, but alas… it was.  And this… this is what I read:


Continue reading

Living Large (while living small): Creating Space Where There is None

Living Large“In small spaces, function over form is almost always required… almost”

I love beautiful things.  I love wide open spaces.  I love family photos and vases full of wildflowers.  Farmhouse tables.  French doors.  Christmas trees and cozy sectionals.

While that’s all fine and good, I really have to make good choices about what I use to decorate my home.  For example, a Christmas tree is a space-hog in itself, but then finding a spot for a full-sized nativity, piles of presents, and all the other decorations that come with Christmas?  Not to mention finding the space to store all of that!

Home décor is nice, but it is a luxury.  Not a necessity.  And unfortunately, in a small home, it just adds to the clutter.

Thankfully, you don’t have to live in an empty house just because it’s small! Continue reading

Living Large (while living small): Keep it Tidy

Living Large“The danger of a small space is constantly feeling cluttered.  Inundated by stuff.  Necessary stuff… but stuff, nonetheless.”

Once when my husband and I were attending a missionary training in Colorado, we were given a very small room in the training center.  It was big enough for a bed.  A small dresser. A small desk.  A closet.  And a bathroom.  From the minute we walked in at the start of our three-week course, I knew that that cozy space could comfort us or kill us.  I said, “Babe… the only way we’re gonna make it through this month is by keeping this room picked up.”  And for probably the first time in my life, I really, really did.  I made the bed.  I kept the clothes and shoes in the closet.  I picked up the towels.  I organized the desk.  Every day.  We kept it clean and tidy and we survived.

Now, in our 1,008 square foot townhome, the same rule applies.  Keep it tidy or risk being overrun.  Continue reading