Sweet P’s Handmade Gifts

Sweet P's

I grew up in a crafty family.  My Grandma was a woman of her day and knew how to knit, crochet, sew and probably many more things that I don’t even know about.  My mother, as well.  As long as I’ve known her she’s had some sort of crafty project going, whether it was cross-stitching, quilting, or painting small winter houses to set out at Christmastime.  She taught me to sew and always encouraged me in the creativity that we shared.

So as I become a stay at home mom, my interest naturally wandered back to those women in my life who created.  Also as a stay at home mom married to a full-time student, our resources have always been… well… lacking.  So I began to pray about ways to “help out” financially.  I never expected to bring in big bucks, but I firmly believed that every little bit helped!

Thus, the birth of Sweet P’s. (named, of course, after the Pickle)

Sweet P’s began as a small endeavor designing personalized digital prints for Weddings, Anniversaries, and any other occasion you could think of.

Personalized Prints for All Occasions

As time went on, I began spending more and more time perfecting sewing projects and only occasionally developing my prints.  (You’ve seen some of my more successful attempts on my Tried and Tuesday series) Until finally, one day, I decided I would be brave and sign up for a craft sale.

From that moment on, I knew I wanted to continue sewing and using my passion to make a little extra cash… and bless people at the same time.

We now have a toddler Sweet P running around keeping me on my toes, but when I have time, I love creating new Ouchie Owl Friends, making custom toddler chairs for moms with wiggly little ones, and I especially love making coffee cozies!  Because those two words just FIT together.

On Sweet P’s Facebook page, you will not see all of these products at once.  I’m human.  I have a toddler.  I have a part time job, a husband , a small house… I can’t keep them all going at once.  But I continually try to feature the passion of the month.  I try to lean into where the interest is showing.  And I am eager to get creative and try new things.  Right now, the interest has cropped up in these little rice-filled Ouchie Owls and friends.  Perfect for small children who won’t let you get within 10 feet of them with an ice pack or a bag of peas!

Filled with rice. You place it in your freezer and pull it out for bumps, bruises, and little boo boos!

Last winter, I sold out and gave away all of my coffee cozies- useful both to keep your hands from getting hot, but also, we found, to keep them from getting wet when you order a cold drink!  Me and my sisinlaws use ours all the time.

And recently, I added two new tutorials to the etsy shop.  One for Ouchie Owls, and one for Toddler Chairs.  Check out my post on Toddler Chairs if you haven’t seen it already.  They are awesome, and super easy to make!

It’s not much, but it’s something I love to do.  And I have been overwhelmed by the encouragement I’ve received from friends and family.   Please take a moment and visit Sweet P’s.  If you like what you see, let me know… then go out and do something creative!

You’ll never know where it might lead.

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