I Hate it When God is Right.

chicken-crossing-roadWe live off of a dicey stretch of highway.

It’s a big commuter road stretching from the heart of Knoxville, TN straight on through to a neighboring county just packed with plants and businesses which provide a lot of jobs… Meaning: people.  Meaning: cars.

This would be ok if it were an empty stretch of interstate with exit ramps and such, but… it’s not.  It’s loaded.  Car dealers.  Restaurants.  Hotels.  Access roads.  Neighborhoods.  Aw, heck, they even threw in an airport, just to keep things interesting.

So you can imagine what I’m talking about when I say that crossing said highway every day is a little… complicated. Continue reading


Do you ever have those days (or portions of days… Or moments) where you pat yourself on the back and say, “Yeah… Good work. You nailed that!”

Well, tonight I had one of those nights. Remember, we’ve been off the radar for three and a half weeks. I’m lucky my child is even wearing clothes. So this is our first week back. I’ve loaded our schedule. I’m dying to catch up with people and life and showering. So when my mom’s group planned a dessert tonight to celebrate my belated birthday, NOTHING was going to stop me.

This means that around 5pm I kicked it in high gear.

I got on making dinner. I picked up the house. My husband walked in, to our daughter’s delight. I let him shower and do homework. I interpreted the Pickle’s desperate cry for crackers and successfully delivered. (there aren’t enough sounds in the English language to describe the ridiculous word she uses for crackers, so this was a feat!) I fed my family supper – AT the table! Taught the Pickle how to use chopsticks. (cleaned up the floor after teaching said Pickle how to use chopsticks) Then I cleaned up the entire kitchen AND washed the dishes. Took the Pickle up for her bath. During which, I got ready and did my hair and put on just a tiny tiny TINY bit of makeup. PJ’d & diapered the child before taking her down to her daddy. Kissed them both goodbye and proudly made it to mom’s night out with plenty of time to spare.

Speaking for supermoms everywhere… I think I deserved it.

Now as I pass out for 2 hours until the kid wakes me at 1am…

Amen for the supermom in all of us, even when we don’t think it’s true. All it takes is the right motivation sometimes. And believe me, a giant chocolate chip cookie and 7 amazing, funny, real friends are all I need to get the fire going.

I vote we have mom’s night out every night.


I’m beat.

My car messed up after work on Monday.

Had to take it in on Tuesday.  And no… I didn’t try anything on Tuesday.  Unless you consider a date with my husband which began with me going to JoAnn’s and him going to Best Buy (at the same time… not together) followed by dinner at Chuy’s something new.

Sat at the sewing machine on Wednesday (until I realized I had an appointment to go pick up Sweet P’s amazing Christmas present and I was late and I couldn’t find my phone… and it was in P’s potty)

Subbed on Thursday.  Also watched my kid bolt out of Crazy 8’s with a skirt (still on its hanger) and run down the mall at full sprint. Continue reading