Diamonds in my Kitchen

Blog LoveIt’s funny, the things that we hold onto from yesterday.

For some, it is an antique wash basin or an old dining room table- maybe thrifted or bought at a collectibles store and worth a “fortune”.  For others it is old farm implements, propped up by the mailbox.  And then there are those items that, to the naked eye, might mean nothing… but to you they mean the world.

To you they embody a bygone day.  A childhood of memories.  A love that spans generations.

For me, it is an old flat carpenters pencil sitting on a shelf in my bedroom.  Because I don’t ever remember seeing my Grandpa without one behind his ear.

And for my guest blogger Debbie, it was a simple, 9×13 baking dish. Continue reading

Sunday Dinner

Blog LoveNow that it’s the end of February, I thought I would finally get back to sharing the blog love… and I confess, this might run over into March.  I had big plans!  And then crazy life happened.  But alas, I am so excited to introduce my friend Laura to you!  She is a mom of two who blogs at “My Thoughts- Uninterrupted” about life, motherhood, family, and DIY.  Today as she shares about her own Yesterday, she reminds me of one of the most beautiful values that my own Grandparents shared: time with family.  So enjoy, remember your own Sunday Dinners growing up, and when you’re finished, head on over to “My Thoughts-Uninterrupted” to Share the Love! Continue reading

Fuss-Free Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Knoxville_Contributor_BTNWhether you’re driving teenagers around the countryside all week or living under a constant spit-up shower, all parents need a little Valentine’s Day!

Over at the KMB today, I’m sharing some of my favorite fuss-free Valentine’s Day Date ideas that can be celebrated with or without your little tagalongs.  Because sharing the love with the ones you love doesn’t have to be complicated (or expensive).

It really is the thought that counts… and the memories made!


DIY Felt Valentine’s Day Streamers

Felt StreamersValentine’s Day is coming!  I love Valentine’s Day.  I love the candy.  I love the colors. I love the meaning. And I love how you can make it either really complicated… or really sweet and simple. I definitely fall someplace in the middle.

Today I want to share a craft you can do to add a little pop of color and fun to your Valentine’s decorations (if you even HAVE Valentine’s Day decorations).  And if you don’t, then this will be the perfect thing for you. Continue reading

The Good Ol’ Days – Share the {Blog} Love

Blog Love 2As our world is flocking to the cities and the suburbs, it’s no surprise that some of our fondest memories of yesterday were spent in wide open spaces.  (Well… as a Kansas girl that is ALL of my yesterday)  But today, my sweet friend, Lauren (, is sharing some of her most beloved memories and lessons of a beautiful childhood on her Grandparents’ farm.

Continue reading

Baskin Robbins Giveaway!!!

Free Ice CreamSix years ago in February I met the man who would become my husband.

Every evening, we worked together handing out Bible packets to Chinese tourists on a pier in Thailand.  A wave of tourists would walk by, he would hold a sign, I would visit in Chinese with people, and then we would spend the next 45 minutes or so chatting until the tourists returned for their packets.

In between those waves, we learned a lot about each other.  We talked.  We played Skip-bo.  And I told him about some of my favorite things… including my forever love of Baskin Robbins Love Potion #31 flavored ice cream. Continue reading

When God Moves

God MovesThere have been times in life where my path has been nothing short of Divinely inspired.  Moments where there is no other explanation than that God has moved.  Period.  I am convinced of this truth, that when you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will answer.  He will speak.  And He will move.

I don’t always seek as well as I should, but when I do?

WHEW! Continue reading

Share The {BLOG} Love

Blog Love 2Ah, February.

A month full of love.

And what better way for a blogger to share the love this February, than to share her space with some other fantastic bloggers!

I am excited to announce my “Share the {BLOG} Love” series that will grace my little space throughout the month of February.

When I began taking my blogging seriously last year, I never imagined that I would be contributing to a local mom’s blog (with some other amazing women), I never imagined friends and family would come to me for tips and encouragement, and I never dreamed that so many people from so many walks of life would ever want to read about this girl’s wacky adventures in, well…

life. Continue reading